Saturday, May 23, 2009

Proceed at your own risk

Give me one pristine early morning walk at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. Give me three priceless sista-friends. Give me 2.5 miles of boardwalk through old Cypress stands, and telescopes to capture the delicate artistry of the Ruby-throated Hummers tiny nest- gingerly decorated with moss ~ held on by stolen spider webs! Give me giggles after reading an ominous sign," Caution, aggressive nesting Hawks, proceed at your own risk!" Give me alligator trails in the mud, and spoonbills in the perfect shade of pink. After this stroll in "the morning sweetness" as my dear friend describes it....i welcomed the looped music in my mind ~ Cat Stevens- Morning Has Broken ~ 2 days worth~ a grateful mantra ~ to the Originator of all this wonder.

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